Who is this lady, anyway?

Eliana was born and raised, and still lives on Florida’s Space Coast. She has a bachelor’s degree in psychology and almost completed her engineering degree. Fast forward about a decade to 4 kids, a wonderful (but overworked) husband, a part-time job, and extreme burnout, Eliana decided it was time for things to change so that she could spend more precious time with her family. She’s always been entrepreneurial-minded and believed that if there’s a person out there doing a thing, then it was possible for her to do it too. She also loves people and hates seeing others struggle like she did, so she decided to invest in a highly-needed skill that would enable her to help others level up in their careers alongside her. Digital Marketing for the win! After spending thousands on her own ads with huge returns and becoming an expert in several coaching groups with hundreds of students, she is standing by to help you level up like crazy in your business by teaching you the ropes! Let’s get to work!

Done-for-you services are available for already successful businesses that need to offload marketing to someone else and focus all attention on running their business. Yep, that’s right. I’ll build and run a well-oiled marketing machine for you that will flood your calendar with qualified leads on autopilot.

Done-with-you coaching is available for businesses that don’t quite have the budget yet to offload their marketing. I can be your very own little “ads genie” that will teach you how to run your ads just like a real agency would!

Do It Yourself courses for those who are tech-savvy and want to give it a go themselves. These are straight over-the-shoulder tutorials of exactly what I do for each business that I help as a real-life ads manager. No skipped steps, just short and easy-to-follow videos of exactly what to do to become your own ads manager!

Copyright © 2024 - Eliana Elizabeth LLC
